Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Good Day

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So this was, as you can tell, a good day. Jose, Watman, Steve, myself and our friend Isabelle went on a glorious walk through the city and in an awesomely trippy museum. We began by walking across the Charles Bridge, which is the largest bridge in Prague as well as the only one that has no road for cars or trams on it. We then made our way to a sculpture and unique artwork museum that is built into an old mansion. The building was sandwiched by the river bordering a beautiful view of Uptown Prague and a super cute little park that people bring families and pets to run around in all day. Everytime I've been there, a band has been playing just for the sake of it, and last time it was an Oasis tribute band, so everybody was singing along. We grabbed a beer from a watermill cafe and proceeded to find the John Lennon Wall. My camera died before I could get there so I advise you to look it up. I don't say this often, but that was a cool wall. Last but CERTAINLY not least, we walked back through a collection of food stands that rested right in this perfect little arden in a cobblestone street. There we found a stand that touted "Old Prague Ham". This ham has forever changed my perspective on meat. There took the entire pig, minus the head and limbs, and roasted it on a spit over a dry wood fire. I'm having more trouble describing its perfection than I have the entire city of Prague, if that gives you any idea of how mind boggling this ham was. As it turned on the spit, rivers of juice would flow down the sides but never fall off because the slow turn would just barely catch it. I was completely unaware of myself or the outside world as I ate it, and in retrospect, I'm pretty sure I was making very audible moans. While we were eating it, I decided that that moment in time was my peak in life. It's all downhill from there. But at least I was conscious of my peak. I feel like some people realize later in life when exactly they peaked, but they were too unaware at the time to enjoy it to the fullest. I knew it was happening, and I'm totally okay with that. I haven't gone back for the ham since, but I have had other ham, and I can safely say that ham is ruined for me. That ham ruined me. I could watch it turn for days. Here it is.


  1. Gorgeous pix. Wish I were there! But oh - the poor pig!

  2. So, let me understand this. You had a pork peaking experience, this was a pigamazing porkalicious, mind hammin' event, you went to the Pork Side of the Moon, you died and went to Ham Heaven, you chowed down and touched the face of the Great Everlasting Pig Father, you are now a Pigevangelist, a born again Porkadox Hamsidic freak, a hopeless Chech porkaholic... I'm done now. Dad

  3. Why haven't you gone back to get more ham?
