Friday, September 6, 2013

Shout out to Sammy!

Though I doubt that any of my bros have been reading my blog, I still want to make sure that they know that I'm thinking of them with every sip of beer. Today the bids for our fall semester pledge class go out and for the first time since I've been in Prague, I wish I was in DC, just for 24 hours. Tomorrow night will be a momentous evening for a select, and very privileged, group of individuals, and they deserve nothing but respect for beginning the SAMMY path, as treacherous as it may seem. Our process is no joke and I'm sure that when I return, I'll be able to look every new brother in the face and shake their hand, even though they won't be receiving any of my personal 'indoctrination'. You'll learn how to shotgun, talk to bitches, humble yourself, not give a fuck, chug (anything and everything), inculcate, instill, and maintain, but most importantly, walk with your head held high and a stride you've never walked with before. Good luck, pledges, you're gonna need it.

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