Saturday, August 31, 2013

Naps, Runs and Floss

If you know me pretty well, you are aware that I do none of the things indicated in the title of this post. Separately, these words mean little in the grand scheme of life, but bring them together in one day and you have a holy trifecta of self-improvement and bodily enhancement. I haven't napped, gone on a run or flossed in months, perhaps even years at this point. I've always just relied on my naturally speedy metabolism to get me through the long gaps of in-activism between pick-up soccer outings and the occasional rave (if that even counts) to prevent my gut from spilling out onto the floor. I'm convinced getting into a consistent habit of flossing is as hard as breaking an addiction, as I've tried many times and always relapsed to not flossing. And naps, well, I just think they are for the weak (and the extremely hard working I suppose, like my father).

However, yesterday I did all three. My run took me along a 3 mile stretch along a cliff through a park that overlooks the entire city of Prague, and it ended at St. Vitus Cathedral, which is the giant cathedral from my third photo gallery. I crossed through a circus, the Royal Gardens, a skate park, and I even found two soccer fields to play pick up at. I met a guy named Steven and he talked to some guys for me, and before I knew it, after 2 hours of running, I was in a 6v6 pickup game on a beautiful turf field. I only got in one goal before my calf muscles began cramping too much and I had to quit and limp my way home, which was a huge bummer. I usually hate exercise that doesn't include scoring goals and the option of fouling people, but this was by far the most enjoyable jog I've ever been on in my entire life. I didn't even listen to music, I just meditated to the sound of my breath and taking in every new sight, whether it's a cute family, an overlook of the city, a royal garden, some old folks playing soccer, or just a cool looking tree--I really couldn't get enough. After this glorious and insightful jog, I came home, cooked myself a nice homemade chicken and green bean dinner, and passed out for an hour, which I never do. I woke up feeling refreshed, studied my Czech notes for two hours, enjoyed a cold pivo (Czech word for beer), and proceeded to floss, brush, and mouthwash my teeth. I swear at that point I was just on a self-enrichment high.

Nevertheless, I feel better than I recall feeling in years. I love how much walking and exploring I've done in only the past week, and I figure while I'm here, I should just keep going. Tomorrow there is an annual 10k run through the center of Prague that I cannot wait to participate in. I may cough up a lung or two, but as long as I don't collapse in some alley and wake up to find myself being used as a pillow by some homeless gypsy, which there are a surprising amount of, I'm down to give it a try. I guess I just wanted to let you all know that I feel great, and I'm on a roll. Everything's good, as chance would say.

Oh yeah, and I may begin drinking coffee regularly, just a heads up.

1 comment:

  1. Run, Jacob, Runnnnnnnnn! Really though, it's great when you can appreciate a good run now and then. I had similar runs in Bangkok and in Taipei, and I'm jealous that you get to do a 10k in Prague. ;)

    Keep up the posts!
