Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm actually learning Czech!

I just had this conversation with my Czech roommate Jakub via Facebook. He is in the other room and we laughed pretty much during the whole thing. I think I'm getting the hang of this. Keep in mind I started classes this Monday.

Jakub: Dobrý den! Jak se máš? -- Good day! How are you?

Me: Diky, dobre! --Good, thanks!
ja jsem unaveny -- I am tired.
nemam rad moc prace -- I don't like much work (I was studying)
ty taky? -- and you?

Jakub: já mám práci docela rád -- I have work entirely I like (I think...)
když dělám něco zajímavého -- although I make anything interesting (once again I'm not sure...)

Me: hmmm -- me not understanding what he wrote really
Chybíš mi :( -- I miss you :(

Jakub: Fotíš Micah ve sprše? -- You take pictures of Micah in the shower? (I was making jokes about it earlier)

Me: ano! -- yes!

Jakub: Mám rád tvoje vtipy -- I like your jokes

Me: dekuju -- thank you

Jakub: nemáš zač -- you're welcome

Me: Oni jsou ne vtipy -- They are not jokes

Jakub: nejsou vtipné - takhle to říkáme -- ........

Me: okay you're losing me

Jakub: vedeš si dobře -- you are doing well

Me: haha

This is him. He's a champ. I think we're going to get along famously.

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